Ron Alias

Roswell, MJ12 & 1947
4/7/47 - Independence Day 1947. There could hardly be a more significant number flag than this. Reports come from a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico of a strange craft having crashed. Truth or hoax? Was it a weather balloon or an alien spaceship? Were bodies recovered?
If we believe that an agenda exists where events are tagged with these certain numbers then either Roswell was fabricated to promote the hidden agenda or the aliens are part of the agenda or it was none of the above - it was all a big coincidence involving a weather balloon after all. Or the knowledge about extra terrestrial craft was already known and it was just placed at Roswell (on 33rd line of Latitude) ready for recovery on 4.7.47.
Whatever the truth of it there certainly was a lot of activity within the US adminsitration pertaining to security, organisation of national investigative services and other behind the scenes activity during a very short space of time.
Doucments have come to light detailing activity of the so called Majestic 12 (MJ12) - a group assigned to look after the deepest secrets of the US - even to the point of documenting what how they would deal with any Washington official (including the President) if they interfered with MJ12 actvities. In 1947 the National Security Act was passed, the CIA was formed and the transference of many State Departments into a small area of Washington was instigated. The US was also the major force behind the creation of the state of Israel in 1947. Planning may even have started for Area 51 (sites were certainly surveyed a very short time after 1947). A busy year. Or to be more accurate, a busy half year - all of this seemed to happen after the Roswell incident.
Kennedy certainly did not appreciate the secrecy that existed. He wanted to know what was known - wanted to see evidence of extra-terrestrial entities if it was in the hands of the US Military. And wanted in on the MJ12's secrets. The Director of the CIA (Alan Dulles, referred to as MJ1) even refused Kennedy access to MJ12 information when requested to divulge it, citing that it was TOO SECRET for his President to see! Follow the link to my Flickr album to see some of the details, including events which occurred immediately before that fateful day in Dallas...