Ron Alias

1960s assassinations
Killed on 22/11 (note the 11 connections) 1963 most likely by a sniper stood on the 'grassy knoll'. A Catholic president, the smell of gunpowder noted by witnesses on the hill and 1 on the knoll giving KNO III (chemical symbol for gunpowder) smacks of another gunpowder plot. Did Kennedy's insistence on co-operating with Soviet Union on the space race prove to be his undoing?
Note how the Secret Service confiscate evidence from the scene, demanding bystanders hand over their cameras but one man's film holds the 'complete truth' who has the initials AZ (A to Z - the Alpha to the Omega) Abraham Zapruder.
Martin Luther King Jr
Killed on 4/4 (another repeated digit) 1968 whilst standing outside room 306 (note the 30th June/tipping point of the year connection). The assassin used a 30.06 bullet (see previous note). He was staying at the Lorraine Motel (French/Crusades connection). President Johnson declared 7th April (reverse of 4/7) a day of national mourning.
Died on 6/6 (another repeated digit) 1968 following an attack by assassin Sirhan Sirhan (a repeating name). According to eyewitnesses the assassin approached Kennedy from the front but he was shot from the rear. Robert Francis Kennedy had entered the Presidential race on 16th March (316 connection).