Ron Alias

Welcome to The 11th Apostle site. Feel free to explore....Why not try the Codebreaker competition where you can win £50 in Amazon vouchers. You might need to wait for the book to get some clues though.....
“We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”
-Dwight D Eisnehower, January 1960-
Coming soon.....
It is a tricky situation. A good friend shot in front of you in your hotel room with your own gun. Understandably the local police are suspicious. Luckily Justin Hoffman could call Peter Darnley out of retirement to demonstrate that he could not have been the shooter.
But why did Ellen Dass scrawl the letters KNO III on the wall as she was dying? What did she know? What exactly did the message mean?
When a website appears named The 11th Apostle Hoffman soon finds out that it has a direct connection to Ellen. To some new Gunpowder Plot. To some shadowy group trying to engineer global events - marking them with a sign to their followers, to show they are at work.
People around Hoffman continue to be in mortal danger as he tries to penetrate the web of corruption surrounding the most powerful people on the planet.
But just who is controlling who? And are these 'Apostles' really behind some of the biggest conspiracies in history? Just what have they got planned next - and can they be stopped in time?