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Would the US government harm its own citizens in order to promote a political agenda? Would such a possibility ever be entertained by any Administration? For the answer to this I would suggest you enter the term 'Operation Northwoods' into a search engine.


There are some very serious issues that require close scrutiny with regard to the events in New York and Washington on the 11th September 2001. Many of these are covered in detail by the experts in their field on sites such as Pilots For 9/11 Truth and Architects and Engineers For 9/11 Truth. Some points to consider are:-


Hijackers who were relatively unskilled at the controls of a Boeing 767 managed to achieve feats that experienced commercial airline pilots could not achieve in simulators. i.e. flying at high speed into the Twin Towers with incredible accuracy. Experienced pilots could hit the towers at speeds closer to landing speeds but at the rate of knots the aircraft were moving, in simulators they lost control of the planes causing them to crash before their targets or flew right past them.


The WTC Towers (steel framed skyscrapers) remain the only buildings of their kind to have collapsed due to fire damage. The South Tower only took 56 minutes to collapse. Other skyscrapers have burned with greater intensity for much longer and remained standing.


WTC7's collapse was announced by a BBC journalist minutes before the event had actually occurred (in fact the building was stood behind them whislt they told viewers it had fallen). WTC7 had 47 storeys (4/7 connection once more). The new WTC7 has been made using 316 grade steel.


American Airlines Flight 77 which hit the Pentagon was in the air for 77 minutes.


Other coincidences abound - Pentagon refurbishment which reduced casualties greatly, planes which were way below full occupancy, US Fighter aircraft unable to intercept, presence of FEMA personnel who were in New York on a 'drill'.

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