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Nathaniel Walker


Having admired Cressida from afar, he finally got his chance to make a move a couple of weeks before the start of the AOA story.


Not as quick with his wits as Cressida but quick on his feet, Nat feels frustrated to be merely 'taken along for the ride' when Cressida is taken to The Cylinder. He tries everything he can to help, showing creativity in digging beneath the surface of what The Cylinder is all about.


Whilst left feeling helpless at the denouement of AOA, Nat is eager to help Hoffman when he is called upon years later when The 11th Apostle commences. In need of a holiday (he has turned into somewhat of a workaholic) he flies over to San Francisco and is instrumental in gathering the clues gleaned from the 11th Apostle website.


He is really a rock that other people in the story tie their ship to and he certainly does not let them down.

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